Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Put Your Money to Better Use

I support breast cancer awareness, but not in the typical fashion. I think our money, resources, and focus would be better allocated in different ways, such as educating the public on the prevention of this disease.

As I scroll through Facebook or flip through the channels on TV, I'm seeing a lot of pink, as I do every October. Because of this, I have struggled for days trying to write this article eloquently and without offending anyone who holds this cause so close to their heart.

So here goes nothin'.

I have respect for anyone that is putting his or her time and money towards a cause that they champion. I respect anyone that has fought breast cancer, is still fighting, is a survivor, or who has lost their battle. There is no denying that it is an ugly disease. I'm enlightened to see champions of the cause; people running marathons and donating money; NFL players and cheerleaders donning pink uniforms; companies contributing a percentage of profits to help find a cure. It makes you feel good. It makes you feel useful. It makes you feel like we're gaining on this disease.

But it makes me feel sad.

If you'd like, you can go on the Internet and research how little of your donated money actually goes towards "finding a cure". You can look up the companies that are painting their products pink, only to keep all the profits. You can research all the entities selling pink products made with materials and chemicals that actually cause cancer.

To me, this is all irrelevant. I'm not here to be a whistleblower. I'm here to shift the paradigm. Much of the focus during Breast Cancer Awareness month is on just that: the awareness. But I'm afraid, we are aware. So much so, that it's almost suffocating. What's worse? Our awareness is focused in the wrong area.
We're focusing on finding a cure when there is no cure to be found.
We're focused on spreading awareness for early detection, as if everyone will be inflicted with breast cancer.
We're focused on buying pink 'things' that go towards curing breast cancer, when breast cancer is a preventable disease.

We're focused on blindly feeding ourselves a cancer-causing diet and allowing ourselves to live in a toxic environment instead of educating ourselves on the lifestyle-disease correlation. The breast cancer awareness campaign is far removed from its initial mission to cure cancer. It is now a profit-producing machine that teaches people how to perpetuate this disease rather than prevent it.
In college, I was a member of the Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, whose philanthropy is breast cancer education and awareness. I woke up at the crack of dawn every October to volunteer at Race for the Cure. I swooned over every pink item I laid eyes on and scraped the money together to purchase it. I handed out pink ribbons and shoelaces at NFL games. I hosted awareness events on my campus, collaborated with other organizations that wanted to join the cause, organized fundraising events, and took pride in reaching philanthropy goals. I felt so empowered by participating in these things because I, myself am faced with a 50% chance of developing breast cancer. But I have to wonder, was my focus misguided? Should I have been teaching my peers how to prevent cancer? Should I have been offering cooking classes and shopping lessons? Should I have been researching environmental toxicity? Should my sorority's priorities have been elsewhere?


Today, I want to give you a different route to take. Today, I want to take a true stance against breast cancer, all other cancers and all lifestyle diseases. Today I want to show you that there are better ways to spend your time, efforts and money. Let's shift this paradigm and be part of the solution.

Here are 5 things you can do with your money during the month of October OTHER THAN buy pink shit:

1.) Buy vegetables. It's as simple as it sounds. Throw out that shit you call food in your pantry and go buy some local, fresh, organic vegetables. Then eat them. If the food you eat was made in a factory, its creating an environment in your body that cancer loves to live in. If it makes you feel better, tweet a picture of your newly acquired veggies and proclaim your dedication to breast cancer prevention. What will it take to get you guys to a Farmers Market? Pink vegetables?

2.) See a doctor who doesn't prescribe medication. Find a chiropractor or an integrative doctor or a homeopathic doctor. Let them evaluate your true state of health and empower you with life-changing habits that will bring your body back to a healthy state. It's important to see a professional that will help you figure out what's causing the fire, rather than help you douse it with water.

3.) Purchase garden supplies. Yes, winter is on our doorstep but that means garden supplies will be on sale. Get everything you need to grow your own produce when the weather warms up next year. Spend sometime educating yourself on how to grow your own food.

4.) Support a different cause. A sustainable food system in the United States is one that desperately needs our attention and has a direct impact on the rate of breast cancer in America. Factory farming, GMO practices and chemicals are killing humans, ruining the planet and creating enormous health care costs. Pick a cause that needs real help. Find an organization that raises money for the prevention or alternative treatment of illness rather than the elusive cure.

5.) Use your money for yourself. There are absolutely countless ways to improve your health and create an environment in your body in which cancer cannot possibly live. Join a gym. Purchase food-based supplements. Take a yoga class. Explore spirituality. Make your own cleaning supplies. Remove toxins from your home and work environment. Be your own advocate. Don't leave it up to gigantic organizations that are using your money for marketing and salaries. Open your eyes. YOU have the power to prevent this disease
In conclusion, let's stop shouting "find a cure!"

Instead, let's empower the public with education. Let's teach people how they can prevent cancer. Let's explore and, yes, research other methods of treatments; ones that aren't so toxic to our bodies. Stop buying pink stuff and start taking accountability for your body! Then you're truly joining the fight against breast cancer!


Buy car Insurance online.

Buy Car Insurance Online - 3 Ways to Get the Job Done

Online quote providers now make it easy to buy car insurance online. This article offers three ways to guide the consumer through the process.

housands of consumers are forsaking their local insurance agent and seeking to buy car insurance online. It's easy so see why -- the time spent shopping online can be a fraction of the time spent talking on the phone with multiple agents. But there are several ways to buy car insurance online, and a few factors to keep in mind with each. Let's begin by taking a quick look at three different methods to buy car insurance online.
1. You can solicit a quote from one specific company. If you have already chosen a particular insurance company (perhaps the one with which you're already insured), you can submit an application online at that company's homepage. All major insurance companies accept online applications.

This method allows you to submit the information when it's convenient for you -- perhaps in the evening when you have the time but your local insurance agency is closed. Then the insurance company will review your application and contact you with a quote. They may email the quote or have your local agent contact you. The downside is that you won't have quotes from other insurance companies for comparison.

2. You can solicit a quote from an online insurer. An online insurer is an insurance company that does business only on the internet, such as Esurance. They have no local agents and they aren't licensed to provide insurance in all states. However, if you live in one of the states in which they are licensed (they will let you know when you apply), the online insurer will provide an immediate quote to you by email. The benefit is the quick response time, but the drawback is that once again, you are only getting one quote. To get multiple quotes for comparison purposes, you would have to submit applications to multiple online insurers.

3. You can solicit multiple quotes from an online quote provider. An online quote provider, such as NetQuote, is a company who has relationships with dozens of the largest insurance companies. By submitting one application with an online quote provider, you can receive multiple quotes from a number of different insurers.

Most online quote providers have relationships with all of the various kinds of insurance companies, so you are likely to receive quotes from local agents in your area, as well as large national insurance companies who do business in all fifty states. Depending on the state in which you live, you are also likely to receive instant emailed quotes from an online insurer such as Esurance. This method allows you to get multiple quotes for comparison purposes without having to submit multiple applications.

Which of these three methods is best for you will depend on the amount of time you have to invest shopping for car insurance quotes, and the number of quotes you are seeking.
If you are ready to buy car insurance online [], you may want to visit the online quote provider recommended below. They provide at least five free quotes with one application.
Barbara Dearing is a freelance writer, specializing in topics that help consumers save money in a variety of areas. She recommends the following website for consumers seeking multiple car insurance quotes: []


Auto Accidents: Step by Step, by the Right Attorney

I want you to have some basic understandings of what an attorney should do and how an attorney should act when handling the "average", "whiplash" automobile collision case. This article contains my opinions, based on my experience as an attorney with over 30 years of handling all measure of personal injury matters These standards certainly apply to cases involving more serious injuries.

I have written this article with the "average" case in mind, as that imaginary "average" case is the one which occurs most often. I believe that there are absolutely "rights" and "wrongs" in the handling of a personal injury claim. At the conclusion of this report, if you have questions, I will tell you how we can connect to try to get them answered.

Problem Presented:

You have just been involved in an automobile collision which was not your fault. Your car is all banged up; you are hurt; you are probably worried about many of the consequences this collision has now created, and as the expression goes: "this just wasn't a good time for this kind of thing". There are 101 things racing through your mind. Certainly, the last thing you need is to worry about finding a good attorney to handle matters for you. Hopefully this article will give you a leg up on making that search a bit easier, by allowing you to know what to look for, and by allowing you to know what questions to ask.

Plan of action to solve the problem: find an attorney to help!

Finding an attorney is easy. Finding the right attorney might be a little tougher. First, understand that there is nothing immediately critical about hiring an attorney. I recommend, however, that you do so within 2 - 3 days of the collision. In this fashion you can avoid being hassled by insurance adjusters, and an intelligent course of action for you and your case can be formulated. Back to finding that attorney. If you have a good case, there are hundreds of attorneys who will be thrilled to work for you. I would be less than honest if I didn't admit that legal fees for "personal injury" cases can be very handsome. Such fees for the right attorney however, are well worth it. Read on, and you'll see why.

You should be able to recognize a sincere appreciative attitude on the part of the attorney you select. Again, there are hundreds of attorneys who'd be very happy to have you as a client. If the attorney you select isn't one of them, find one who is. That attorney will work very hard for you. Keep reading, and I'll help you learn how to pick the right attorney.

The Initial Stages and the first contact.

Your car is in need of repair, you are in need of medical treatment, and your ability to go to work at this point is in doubt, both because you now lack transportation, and because you don't feel physically able to do so. Insurance adjusters are calling. What should you do? A good attorney can tell you. A good attorney will also find out many important things, such as: did police investigate? was the other party given a ticket? who is the other guy? is there insurance? is there enough insurance? Again, a good attorney will advise you about what to do, and find out the answers to all of these questions. You need to concentrate on getting better. Investigating these matters and spending hours on the telephone are the last things on the doctor's prescription pad for you.

Good attorneys can be found in many places. If you don't know anyone who has used an attorney for a personal injury matter, there is probably a local bar association referral service. If there isn't, or if they're not open and you want contact now, internet search engines will offer the names and website addresses of all types of attorneys, from single practice attorneys up to large firms. I encourage a good look at the lawyer's or the law firm's website: read about their experience and see if the website "speaks to you." I do not recommend telephone book ads to find a lawyer, nor do I recommend television ads, because really, they don't tell you much. Once you select an attorney or two or three to interview, don't jump without asking a lot of questions, no matter where the attorney's name came from.

The first call to the attorney's office.

You select an attorney and you want to call him or her. Pay attention to several things: Is the number you are calling advertised as 24 Hours? If so, who answers the call? Is it a tape? Is it the staff? Is it the attorney? Any may be acceptable, but clearly, you should be looking to talk to the attorney within a reasonable time if that first call doesn't get you connected to him or her. Next, should you call "off-hours", or wait until business hours Monday through Friday, 9 - 5? My feeling is that an attorney who practices personal injury law must recognize that potential clients are calling, often very traumatized, often very confused, and often in need of some good solid advice. Accordingly, that attorney should be available whenever the potential client calls. So you call, and you are generally pleased. The attorney sounded okay, and invites you to his or her office for an appointment. Before you go in, ask some questions:

How long has the attorney been in practice? You want someone with experience.

What percentage of the attorney's caseload involves handling personal injury matters? It should be over 50%.

Does the attorney regularly go to court and try cases involving personal injury matters? Yes is the only acceptable answer.

Is the attorney accessible? Get a commitment that you'll be able to speak to the attorney, if you want to, within a reasonable time, every time you want to. Promise to respect the attorney's off-hours privacy, but ask if the attorney will give you a home telephone number for emergencies
Will you be kept informed of all significant developments? This means that you'll routinely get copies of important correspondence, and that you will be consulted before decisions beyond the mere routine occurs.

How money is handled? Don't be shy about asking about this!! This is the primary reason you are hiring an attorney. Think about it... The mechanic is going to fix your car. The doctor will get you back to good health... You'll certainly ask them questions... The attorney is the person who will help get you the money from the other guy's insurance company to pay for all of this!

The first meeting with the attorney.

You're satisfied and you agree to meet with the attorney you've called. At this meeting you should meet the attorney, talk with him or her for as long as you want, and the entire process should be explained to you. This includes explaining all of the possible insurance benefits available to you from all sources, including your own insurance company, and how and when such benefits are to be expected. It also means explaining, at least in summary fashion, the applicable law which governs your case. Different states have different laws which control "liability" issues and ultimately affect compensation. Ask your attorney if your state follows no-fault, comparative negligence, or contributory negligence principles.

At this first meeting, which is really the beginning of your case, your attorney CANNOT predict how much money you're going to get for your injuries. Nobody knows, at the early stages, how badly you are hurt, how much medical care you're going to need, how much time you might miss from work, or even the potential legal theories which might be available. Can you predict the final score of a baseball game in the first inning? IT IS RIDICULOUS FOR AN ATTORNEY TO ATTEMPT TO ESTIMATE HOW MUCH YOU'RE GOING TO GET AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CASE.

At the initial meeting a paralegal or other staff member may take "administrative" information from you. The attorney should explain the legal contract, or fee agreement, with you. Attorney's fees in this type of case are almost universally "contingent fees", which means the attorney only gets paid when the case is settled; that is, the fee is "contingent" upon resolution. Usually attorneys charge one-third of the recovery, and usually contracts of this sort detail a higher fee, perhaps 40 - 50%, if the case goes to trial. This is fair; because going to trial is a lot more work for the attorney, and involves the attorney taking on a lot more risk. Recognize that every "contingent fee" case an attorney takes on is a case where the attorney is working for free, and at great risk of getting nothing, until (and unless) the case resolves.

How the first meeting should end.

Your initial meeting with your attorney should conclude with you receiving a copy of the fee agreement, and with a very concrete list of things which should be set to happen.

1. You should have a list of things the attorney needs, such as a copy of your insurance policy, pay stubs, tax returns, photographs, etc.

2. Telephone calls should be made promptly for the resolution of the damage to your car. The two most typical scenarios are as follows:

a) The car is repairable. If it's in a tow-lot, plans should be set to get it out, as storage charges accrue quickly. Next, insurers should be notified of the location of the car, so an appraisal of damage can take place. If the insurers can be notified quickly, often they will move it out of the towing lot. In any event, discussion as to what's going to happen one way or the other should be presented to you.

b) The car is destroyed, or "totaled". If there is an outstanding loan on the car, you must supply the lender's name and account number to your attorney so they can contact them to discuss payoff. Again, insurers must be notified of the car's location, so it can be moved and they can appraise the value. You will have to sign over the title to the car, so be prepared to make it available quickly. If there's a loan, usually the lender has the title, or a part of the title.

3. Plans should be set for you to get alternate transportation. Any good personal injury attorney should be able to recommend a reputable rental car company.

4. Plans should be set for you to get "the right type" of medical care. This means, in most cases, that you should be treating with an orthopedic physician, a chiropractor, or a general practice physician who provides physical therapy services. If you don't have a family doctor who can refer you to "the right type" of doctor, or if you don't know someone who knows such a doctor, your attorney should be able to give you the names of several reputable physicians near where you live or work. It is essential that you receive medical care if you are hurt, and that you get this care as soon as possible. Medical study after medical study shows that individuals who start medical treatment later end up needing more medical treatment than they would have if they had begun that treatment soon after the trauma occurred.

a) Good personal injury attorneys have many medical "contacts". If needed, arrangements often can be made through your attorney allowing you to receive medical care without payment up front (or as you go). This is accomplished by a document called an "Assignment". Both you and your attorney sign this document, and thereby agree that the doctor will get paid at the end of your case, from the proceeds recovered. In this fashion, the doctor is satisfied, because of the attorney's reputation, that payment will probably be forthcoming. Your attorney should tell you that the signing of this document does not eliminate your responsibility for payment.

5. Your attorney should send out several letters within the first 24-48 hours after meeting with you. At a minimum, these letters are:

a) to insurers, advising you are now represented, and advising that all contact about your case should go through the attorney's office;

b) to medical care facilities, requesting records, reports and bills;

c) to the accident witnesses, asking for statements, or requesting appointments to review what they saw or what they know;

d) to the investigating police, requesting the accident report.

The "middle stages", where you get better.

Your attorney and his or her staff are now acting as both a "collection facility", gathering records and bills from medical care providers, and continuing as a shield, keeping the insurance company representatives away from you. I often have clients call me and ask me "how's my case going"? If case liability is not an issue, that is, if it's clear that the collision was "the other guy's" fault, and his/her insurance company has "accepted" responsibility, then my answer to the question is simply "fine, how are you feeling?" I say this because at that point, assuming we've "secured" the liability issue, all that remains is waiting for the client to get better.

A good personal injury attorney is able to review medical records and spot problems, either in the way the records are written (mistakes?), or in the overall medical course. I have called doctors when I have felt that certain diagnostic tests were questionable. I have called doctors when therapy seemed to be continuing endlessly without any improvement in my client's condition. I have called doctors when bills seemed out of line. Your attorney should be knowledgeable enough to do the same, and should have the gumption to do so if and when appropriate.

The ending stages: evaluation of the case, and the settlement process.


Having said that, there are a few notable exceptions. First, the "statute of limitations" provides a limit on how long you have to either settle your case or file a lawsuit if your case cannot be settled. So, if you are not medically resolved, but the statute of limitations date is approaching, your attorney should meet with you and explain your options. Next, in many cases the total amount of insurance funds available (policy limits) will not be enough to truly fully compensate you. Thus, no matter how badly you have been injured, no matter how much your medical bills are, the insurance coverage available simply won't be enough. Accordingly, the question presents as to whether it is reasonable to "settle" now, given that waiting will not produce any more funds for you. It may be reasonable to attempt to resolve the case, assuming all options have been explored, if this situation presents itself. Your attorney should explain your options.

Show me the money.

I recognize that most people do not voluntarily position themselves to be automobile accident victims. People generally don't get hurt just so they can collect. Please don't have misgivings about seeking money here. This isn't about getting rich. This isn't about fraud or trying to take advantage of the system. When an accident occurs and you are the victim, there is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling an entitlement to money. Our system of civil justice provides this, MONEY, as the only remedy. You are entitled to be compensated for medical expenses you incurred, for wages you lost, for mental and physical pain and suffering, for disfigurement, for aggravation, for inconvenience, for disrupting the quality of your life, and for more.

Any good personal injury lawyer will tell you his or her opinion concerning the value of your case, now that you have gotten to that "settlement-ready" posture. If they don't know, or have an opinion, what are they there for? Your attorney should set out several things in writing to you BEFORE going to the insurance company to discuss settlement. These are:

1. How much the attorney thinks your case is worth.

2. How much the attorney is going to demand. Clearly, in the upcoming process of discussion with the insurance adjuster, the attorney must have room to negotiate.

3. How much you owe in outstanding medical bills. This will affect the "net funds" you receive.

4. Whether there are liens against the proceeds of your settlement. Health insurance, worker's compensation, or a federal, state or local agency (Medicare, Medicaid) may have made some payments for your medical bills or to you for wages you lost. These groups may be entitled to be reimbursed. Again, this will affect the "net funds" you receive.

5. What options are available if settlement negotiations aren't successful.

Is the lawyer going to attempt to mediate? to arbitrate? to litigate? You should know what all of these options are, if they are available, and what the pluses and minuses are with each. AND THESE should be compared to the settlement possibilities. It should be pointed out to you that if you get 95% of what you want through settlement negotiation, it probably isn't a stellar idea to file a lawsuit, which forces delay, causes extra expense, and leaves the case unresolved.

6. Who is going to negotiate. I believe that if you hire an attorney, it is fine for the attorney to delegate non-legal, administrative matters to non-lawyer staff. On the other hand, I believe the attorney you hire should be the one who gets on the telephone and negotiates your case for you.

The very end, hopefully: a successful settlement.

Once the case is settled, the attorney should receive a check from the other party's insurance company. You should see this check. It should have your name on it as a payee. It's okay if it also has the attorney's name as a payee. You should sign the check. The attorney should present to you a document similar to what I call a "Settlement Memorandum". This document should detail the "money in" (the insurance check for settlement), and the "money out", that is, all of the things which are going to be paid from that check. These will include the attorney's fee, outstanding medical bills, any liens, and a "net" for you. The check should be placed into a special bank account which the attorney should have, called either an "escrow" account, or a "trust" account. This is an account where client funds are held, and attorneys are held to the highest of standards for the accounting of these bank accounts by attorney licensing authorities and bar associations. Routinely funds should be deposited immediately after the check is fully endorsed, and thereafter, funds should be disbursed within 5-10 days, the delay simply to allow the funds to "clear".

After care.

Your attorney should complete all legal matters relating to your case. This means sending payment for all outstanding medical bills and liens. This means providing you with a copy of all of the checks written for those purposes. You should also either be given copies of the important items in your file (medical records, for example), or your attorney should advise you that he or she will keep them for your future needs.

Some Final Thoughts.

Good luck to you. Please drive safely. Wear your seatbelt. Put your kids in car safety seats. Don't even think about drinking alcohol or using drugs and then getting behind the wheel. I hope you never get into an automobile collision. If you do, I hope you don't get hurt too badly. Remember to keep your perspective. Remember that you are more important than your car. Take your time with the legal matters ahead of you.


Auto Insurance Price Quotes - How Auto Insurance Price Quotes Help You to Save Money.

It might seem to be very simple and straightforward but that is not the case with everyone. For some people it is very difficult to get a insurance cost that they can save some money on and when said that these people are of high-risk drivers that insurance companies consider to be risky with not good driving record and probably that is why when they acquire Auto Insurance Price Quotes they find car insurance to be expensive.

Stop and think for a moment, what would be the case when you have to make many calls and provide any information obtained. However, to save time and money there is a good option for you and that is to acquire online Auto Insurance Price Quotes. This is the best option to get insurance quotes from many different companies for free, within no time and that is why it is the most accepted and used method nowadays to acquire Insurance Quotes.

We use internet for all most everything nowadays and that is also a good option for getting Auto Insurance Price Quotes. Choose one that is perfect for you to meet your needs and budget. Internet services have increased substantially, and almost all car insurance companies offer their services on the Internet for help and providing the best auto insurance rates and in addition due to competition in the insurance market. With many options and competing companies will likely have the opportunity to find a cheap car insurance for yourself within your budget in a reasonable price. It may be obvious for some people to obtain cheap auto insurance quotes, what is right for them. However, for some people to obtain affordable insurance is not that simple, and the best way to overcome such a situation you have to conduct extensive research before buying an insurance policy. Similarly, insurance companies have established rules and different types of insurance groups that will help determine the type of insurance an individual comes under and that would help to decide Auto Insurance Price Quotes. Depending on age, sex, who will drive the car and any past violations are some factors that would help to form the basis of Auto Insurance Price Quotes.

For more information and Insurance Quotes, you can visit our website and find many useful tips to reduce the cost of insuring your car.


Make Proper Enquiries Before Taking Car Insurance From An Oline Company

If you are looking for a good insurance deal for your car, look no further than Internet where you can find many leading providers such as Geico car insurance company. When you search for auto insurance online, you will find numerous providers that offer auto coverage policies to the general public.

If you are looking for a good insurance deal for your car, look no further than Internet where you can find many leading providers such as Geico car insurance company. When you search for auto insurance online, you will find numerous providers that offer auto coverage policies to the general public. Internet is replete with offers wherein companies offer attractive deals on polices and coverage such as some say that if you switch to that particular company, you will save up to 15%. All these offers have made this market very competitive. The competition bodes well for the buyers who tend to gain by cheap offers and attractive discounts.

How To Save Money

Saving money on car coverage polices is on everyone's mind. Here are some tips for you to save money:

You can really save if you insure multiple cars with the same company under the same policy. Most providers offer multi car discount, which will help you save hundreds of dollars in premium. You save even more if you have safety devices installed in your car. In fact, lot of providers offer some very interesting discounts like air bags discount, kill switched discount, additional safety features discount, and anti-theft devices discount.

Selecting A Good Company

When you are looking for a reliable company, look for its consumer base. A good company will have high level of customer satisfaction. As per available records, Geico has 97% customer satisfaction rate. You can select a company like this and be assured that you can get better service.

Always look for a provider that provides 24X7 access to customer service lines. Another important aspect to consider is the speed at which the provider settles claims. Look for a provider where claims are settled quickly and efficiently and there are not many people who are complaining about the company.

Get Quotes

These days you can easily get quotes from different online companies. You will get the quotes in few minutes and it would not cost you anything. You can compare these quotes with your existing policy and select the low cost car insurance from any reputed provider.

However, you should not take it blindly that whatever the online provider such as Geico offers. Low rates must coincide with good coverage policies. Your commercial auto insurance company should be able to provide you the coverage that you need and want.
Some companies will provide you with a low quote, but everything else in the policy would be low also. The coverage they offer might not cover everything. Many people are fooled into buying these low cost insurance deals. Therefore, you must take your time before you sign on the dotted line.

When it comes to getting low cost coverage for your vehicle, your driving record, car type, sex, address, and credit scores matter the most. If you have a bad driving record or poor credit score, even a good car insurance company cannot help you to get a low cost coverage. So overall, you play the most crucial role in your getting a low cost policy.

Geico car insurance [] company is one of the most competitive low cost auto insurance [] companies in the market. With a net worth of over $15 billion, it can provide the commercial auto insurance service that it promises. With an excellent customer service record, it is an auto insurance company [] worth doing business with.


Best Auto Insurance Rates

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Are You Looking For The Best Auto Insurance Rates? If your car insurance is about to expire soon, chances are, you will be sent a renewal notice. Most people will just renew their car insurance with their current auto insurance supplier simply for convenience.

Are You Looking For The Best Auto Insurance Rates?

If your car insurance is about to expire soon, chances are, you will be sent a renewal notice. Most people will just renew their car insurance with their current auto insurance supplier simply for convenience.

However, they do not realize that when they do this, they are missing a great opportunity to slash their car auto insurance by as much as 40%... More about how to take advantage of this great opportunity later.

When it comes to buying car insurance, there are several important factors to consider:

First, it is important to understand more about the different variables that affect the price of a car insurance premium. Basically, these are variables that contribute to the risk factor of a car insurance contract. The higher the risk factor, the higher the premiums that a driver will have to pay.

Car insurance suppliers are always trying to find the right balance between risk and price. For instance, a car insurance supplier may decide to alter the definition of car insurance coverage so that they can keep the premiums low. So the driver may be getting a lower priced auto insurance contract, at the expense of coverage. That essentially means that the driver is actually bearing part of the risk, by not taking on a car insurance contract that provides full and comprehensive coverage.  But why would any want to do that?

Many drivers assume (wrongly) that accidents only happen to other people. This false assumption usually land people in financial troubles in the event of an accident. And then there are some people who simply can not be bothered to examine the coverage definitions on an insurance contract.

Perhaps they are so excited about a new car purchase that they forget all about the importance of an insurance contract. Usually, young drivers, or drivers who are impatient, are more prone to this mistake which may eventually turn out to be costly.

This report examines the risks that car insurance suppliers commonly take into consideration, and the variables that affect the price of a car insurance contract. One of such variables discussed, will be the coverage definitions. Towards the end of the report, you will find valuable recommendations on how to slash your car insurance cost by as much as 40%.

Statistics of Car Accidents in the US

A very common problem associated with all types of insurance, is that people sometimes do not believe that bad things can happen to them.

Nobody likes to discuss anything bad happening, so there is a tendency not to give issues like road accidents much consideration especially when one is excited about driving that new car.

However, it is usually when someone is over excited about something that they commit grave mistakes such as taking out a car insurance policy simply based on price alone. Let us take a look at some road accidents statistics.

o Every year, there are over two and a half million casualties caused by road accidents in the United States.

o Of these, over 40,000 are fatalities, and close to 2 million people are seriously injured.

Remember, these accidents happen every single year in the United States alone.

There are many factors affecting the rate of accidents. Most of these factors are related to the driver, but the type and model of a car also affect accident rates. Cars are often privately tested in controlled environments for safety.

Relevant authorities may reveal various safety statistics based on their findings. These are helpful to a certain extent. But remember that the road conditions in the real world are often very different from the conditions in a controlled lab environment. So expect some variance in the statistics.

In general - smaller, lightly built car occupants have a 6% to 8% chance of death in a two car accident.

Cars that are built for safety, such as the Volvos, halve that chance. These cars are usually more robust, and have more safety features. They are also heavier, and tend to consume more fuel.

The safest cars on the road so far are the Mercedes Benz S-Class, Jaguar XJ Series, and the sport utility vehicles (SUVs).

Road accidents also happen due to driver impairment. For some reason, the driver fails to assess and respond to the situation correctly, thus causing an accident. These reasons include poor eyesight, fatigue, excessive alcohol, or consumption of drugs.

What Influences The Best Auto Insurance Rates?

As you can see, the make and model of the car, and the driver are key contributing elements to the risk factor. So car insurance suppliers are inclined to pay more attention to these two key elements while issuing quotes for car insurance contracts.

Usually, car insurance suppliers assign classifications according to the make and model of the car. But bear in mind that although some luxury cars like the Mercedes Benz have lower accident incidence rate, that doesn't mean the insurance comes cheaper. That is because these cars cost a lot more money, and if there is a claim submitted, the car insurance company may have to pay out a substantial amount of money to settle the claim. So the value of the car is also taken into consideration.

For car insurance providers, the driver's profile is perhaps the most important factor of all. The only way to obtain an accurate prediction of a driver's rate of accident is to look at previous driving records. So a driver's personal driving history is important as well. A car insurance premium will cost more if a driver has previous records of drunk driving or speeding offences.

In addition, the driver's age is also taken into consideration. The age of a driver is also classified under different age groups. Younger drivers, usually between the ages of 21 to 25 tend to be more inexperienced. As a result, car insurance suppliers need to charge a higher premium for this age group.

Common Car Insurance Coverage Definitions

When examining any car insurance coverage definitions, you have to look out for three things:

1. Who is covered?
2. What does it cover?
3. What is the deductible and amount of coverage?

There are three common types of insurance coverage definitions:

1. Liability Coverage

This type of coverage covers other people's bodily injury or death. In the event of a third party filing a legal lawsuit against you, liability coverage also provides some form of legal defense. If you find yourself without liability coverage in the event of a serious lawsuit, you may find yourself losing your assets. Having enough insurance will help cover for legal expenses and help safe guard your personal assets.
This is an important form of coverage because there is no limit to the amount of liability that may be incurred from road accidents. Legal and medical claims can certainly sky rocket to astronomical amounts if the accidents are severe.

2. Physical Damage Coverage

This type of coverage covers you car, or a third party's car, in the event of an accident. A comprehensive insurance contract covers damage to your car if it's stolen, damaged by bad weather or even animals. Such definitions will be included in your car insurance contract.

3. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage

This type of coverage covers when there is an accident that involves property damage, but the negligent driver does not have enough (or does not possess) insurance to cover the liability.

When reviewing your car insurance policy, also take into consideration the legal requirements of different states.

Your responsibility here is to find the right balance between the amount of insurance you need, and the premiums that you are going to pay. For example, you can reduce the price of your premiums by increasing the amount of deductible for your physical damage coverage. If you can afford to pay a high amount for the deductible, you may want to increase the deductible so as to lower premiums. In other words, by taking on more of the risk yourself, you can save more.

To ensure you get the best auto insurance rates you should always compare quotes form different providers.

For more information about how you can the best auto insurance rates visit our web site at: Best Auto Insurance Rates

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Car Insurance and the Budget 2014

The Indian economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and it is constantly evolving. In May 2014, the election of a new government raised the hopes and expectations of the large population. They expected numerous changes to be implemented, especially with regard to the fiscal policies of the new government. In July 2014, the finance minister, Arun Jaitley, introduced the proposed budget for the year. The changes he made will have an effect on numerous industries, one of which is the automobile industry. The Budget will not only affect the price of cars, but also the price of car insurance.

In India today, many people are earning more money than they were earlier, and are able to afford a higher standard of living. This means that not only are there more cars on the road, there are also a lot of expensive and high-end cars on the road. Unfortunately, the roads in most cities in India are far from perfect, and road rage is not uncommon. This generally leads to cars being bumped and scratched more often than anybody would like. Getting your car fixed is always costly, but luckily it has been made compulsory for all vehicle owners in India to have insurance on their automobiles. While this means that people who buy cars might have to shell out a little extra money for the insurance policy, it is beneficial in the long run, as most insurance policies also take care of damage caused by natural calamities like floods and earthquakes.

The Union Budget 2014 has addressed a large number of issues, some of which are related to the motor industry. The Finance Minister announced that steel prices would be reduced, and the custom duties levied on auto parts would be discontinued. This of course works in favour of the car sector, as the parts used to assemble cars will be available at a lower cost. This straight away means that car prices will probably not see a rise in the coming year. As motor insurance depends on the cost of the car getting insured, it is very likely that the cost of insurance will also remain static in the coming year.

Apart from the policies that directly affect the cost of cars, the Budget has also addressed the issue of insurance in general. The Budget has proposed to increase the Foreign Direct Investments into India to 49%. This was done in the hope that the insurance sector would be easily exposed to international players who operate in large global markets. While this does not necessarily mean that the price of auto insurance will decrease, it does mean that it will not become more expensive.

The changes that have been made so far by the government have all been advantageous to the automobile sector. However, it is important to remember that the Union Budget will only last for another 6 months, and a new Budget will have to be put in place after that. While we hope that the Government continues to take positive steps to help development, it is left to be seen whether the rates of car insurance in India will increase or decrease eventually.